Letcher County Amateur Radio Club Is September 9th 2023
So this is actual a bonus item for this week. I just wanted to remind everyone that our hamfest is coming up on September 9th. I know it is the same day as the hamfest in Lousiville and we understand folks may chose to visit with our fellow hams there. For those who are still on the fence or have already decided to come visit with us, I just wanted to remind you of a few things.
Location: 95 Maryland Drive, Whitesburg, KY 41858 at the Mountain Shrine Club
Time: 8am to Noon
Entry Fee and Table Fee: Entry is $5.00 and Tables are $10.00
Door Prizes: We have well close to $2000 in door prizes to give away. For a quick rundown on most of our door prizes please visit our 2023 Sponsor Page. We will also be drawing for a new FT-891 HF/6 transceiver the day of the hamfest. You can get in on the drawing for a $10 donation the day of the hamfest.
Exams: We will be giving exams that morning starting at 9am. If you are not currently licensed please visit this website https://hamradioprep.com/how-to-register-for-your-frn/ to get registered with the FCC and obtain your FRN. Then show up to the test with your FRN, Two forms of ID one of which should be a picture ID, and $15 in cash.
If already licensed and attempting to upgrade, please remember to bring an offical copy of your license, a picture ID, and $15 in cash.

PICO APRS Balloon Launches Planned By Jim Schings AI4SR And The Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society
Jim Schings AI4SR and the Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society will be launching 1 or possibly 2 balloons for Eastern Kentucky University from their stadium early on Aug 31. Assuming decent weather conditions. they will also be launching 2 balloons Oct 6th or 7th (Prior to the start of the BARS Hamfest.) We will have a large screen monitor set up to track the balloons at the hamfest. (Again based upon weather conditions.) Track them on APRS.FI EKU Balloons are planned to be AI4SR-11 and APRS-13. The October balloons will be KA4USA-1 and AI4SR-2. They will probably be using a couple different types of balloons and one with Helium and one with Hydrogen. Just to compare longevity and altitudes, etc. More info as we get closer.
Does A Slinky Work As An Antenna?
New Helping Hands Tool For Soldering
Here is a link to show you the multiple variations and attachments for this tool on Amazon. We in no way make any money off of this link. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=quadhands