HF Predication Tools.
Have you heard the news? THE BANDS ARE DEAD!!! Well much like that old headline of the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune from November 1948, that read “Dewey defeats Truman”. Those who tell you the bands are dead, are WRONG.

The problem is those folks may just know what band and time of day is best to make a contact. That is where propagation tools like Proppy come into play. Here we can run several models. Like the Area prediction that lets us see where in the world our signal should go based on transmitting frequency and time of day. Or maybe we want to run a point to point prediction to set up a communications plan with a fellow ham, and we want to know based on time of day what would be the best frequency to use.
So I created a quick video didn’t even edit it) to show you how to use some of the prediction tools on Proppy. Look over the faint Taylor Swift music in the background, the wife has interest as well. Not gonna lie, I like her music as well.
A Look At Military Auxiliary Radio System From A Vintage Film
While the mission of MARS has changed some since that video was produced, they still provide important services to our military. The ARRL provided a webinar in 2016 to show what the modern MARS mission is.
If you want more information or are interested in joining Army MARS or Air Force MARS, click either link below.
Air Force MARS
KB6NU No-Nonsense Study Guides
Daniel M Romanchik KB6NU has updated his General license level No-Nonsense study guide to be in line with the new question pool. For those who do not know about Daniel’s study guides you can visit his website to find more information. His guides cut down on the fluff that can be found in other study materials, and focuses on the concepts and knowledge that a new prospective ham or an upgrading ham needs to know.
The guides come in PDF format or can be purchased from Amazon in Kindle or print version. I have attached his Technician level study guide in PDF format below, which he provides for free on his website. The General and Extra study guide can be purchased from the website.