Letcher County Amateur Radio Club Hamfest
I want to remind everyone about our upcoming hamfest, details below on flyer. We have been doing a hamfest for the last four or five years and it continues to grow. Our sponsors have provided quality items to be given away again this year. You can view our sponsors and the items they have donated by visiting our sponsor page.
Our main door prize this year is a new Yaesu FT-891, that was purchased at a special discount price from GigaParts. The raffle tickets for the 891 are $10 each, only 150 tickets will be sold. You DO NOT need to be present to win. If you are local to EKY, we will make arrangements to meet you with the radio. If you are out of state, we will be more than willing to ship it to you. Previous winners of our raffles are shown below:

2020 Winner of a Yaesu FT-450D Bo Person KJ4SLE of Appalachia, VA

2021 Winner of an Icom 7100 Richard Salsibury KO4BVP 2021 of Eastern, KY

2022 Winner of a Yaesu FT-891 Justin Childers KN4TRV of Pikeville, KY
If you wish to purchase tickets please reach out to Roland Brown or message us on our Facebook page. We can accept PayPal, Venmo, cash and checks. If writing a check please write out to Roland Brown as we have not had a chance to setup a club checking account yet.

Greater Mason County Amateur Radio Association participates in safety event organized by Walmart along with Police/Fire/EMS.
From Mike Mullins, KN4COE a member of the Greater Mason County Amateur Radio Association and active POTA expert who loves to visit our area.
On Saturday 6-17-2023 we had a safety awareness event at the Maysville Walmart Store# 1569. We were right in the middle with the Police, Fire, and Ambulance Services. We were promoting Ham radio and how practical it is as a service for when a major disaster, tornado, or flood occurs, and when all other systems fail. We used for example the western Ky tornadoes that happened a few years ago, how there were boots on the ground minutes after the storm had passed. But it was not all about gloom and doom. We was also promoting POTA, how to get licensed, and how it can be used daily. We had a TON of noise there, both outside noise and RF noise. We had HF radios and 2M/440 radios setup. We did get quite a few kids on the local repeaters to talk to some of our local guys. There was also interest from the adults in the crowd. We also had a few guys whose license expired 10 years ago, but wanted to get back into the hobby. Overall it was a fun event and we did stir up some interest in the community.
Other Members who participated:
Kelly Smith KE8TZZ
Larry Dodge KG4PXA
Jim Warner KF4JNZ
Holton Cartmell KE4LCZ
Daniel Hughes KO4JXW