What is Parks On The Air or POTA?
Parks on the Air (POTA) is an amateur radio activity that encourages radio operators to set up portable stations in designated parks and protected areas around the world. It provides an opportunity for amateur radio enthusiasts to combine their love for radio communication with their passion for the outdoors and nature.
The main objective of Parks on the Air is for amateur radio operators to make contacts with other operators from these park locations. Participants set up their radio equipment, antennas, and power sources in the park, and then communicate with other operators who may be located in different parks or other locations around the world.
Parks on the Air programs are typically organized by individual countries or regions, each with its own set of rules and guidelines. These programs often have a list of designated parks or protected areas that participants can activate. When an operator sets up their station in one of these locations, they are considered “activating” the park. Other operators referred to as “hunters” then attempt to make contact with the activator to earn points or awards.
Parks on the Air promotes the enjoyment of both amateur radio and outdoor activities, fostering a sense of community among operators. It allows radio enthusiasts to explore and appreciate natural areas while engaging in their hobby. The program also helps raise awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting parks and protected areas.
Overall, Parks on the Air provides an exciting way for amateur radio operators to combine their technical skills and love for nature, while connecting with fellow enthusiasts around the world.
For more detailed info on how to participate in POTA, visit their website Parks on the Air.
What Do I Need To Get Started?
Anywhere Local I Can Do A Parks On The Air Activation?
We are blessed in little area to have several easily accessible Parks On The Air locations. On the map below each yellow dot represents a POTA location. I have also provided direct links to each of the 15 POTA locations on the map. Plus you can activate anywhere within the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest.
When clicking on the link you can see who was the first to activate the POTA location, who all has activated the spot and how many contacts were made, along with other helpful info.